Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Making ant hills out of mountains

Today's blog is brought to you by the Letter "A".

"A" is for ant. "A", "A", "A". I gave my students at BASIS Scottsdale (which clearly begins with "B") and assignment to photograph from an ant's perspective.

Here it is:
For this assignment I want you to get down - literally. We want to see your ant's eye view, meaning your photos must be taken with your camera ON THE GROUND. The idea is to capture the looming, intimidating nature of subjects from that low-down perspective. This assignment is due Monday, November 3, 2008. All rules of composition apply (or if you choose to break those rules, prepare to state your reason).

The students have turned in some really cool art from this. Some of it even looks professional. What's the purpose of The Ant's-Eye-View? I want them to develop their vision and explore the world from somewhere other than five feet up.

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