Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brand. New.

Tomorrow I meet with Nadine. I can't wait.

I've learned so much in the past year. Canon camera had an ad campaign where they said, "Image is Everything." Not only is it clever, but it is so true. Brand parity is just as prevalent in photography as it is in cameras and ketchup. Which one are you going to buy? It often seems that the way the product is packaged is the determining factor.

Of course you already knew this. So why am I bringing it up? Well, there was a time in my career that I didn't have to deal with this issue. If a photo editor wanted to see your portfolio, you simply sent twenty slides in a clear page that held slides. The photographer who, in the mind of the photo editor, had the nicest images would get the job. Easy.

I've learned that talent alone won't get you the clients you need. It's important to compete to your fullest ability. Oddly enough, I see photographers and assistants who do their own Web site and even go as far as making their own business cards. I wonder if these people realize that there are some amazing photographers that they are competing with.

I love photography. I love the creation of the images, I love looking at them and I love seeing the reaction that others have when they look at my work. It's almost spiritual. And when I have the opportunity to work with people whose budgets are bigger than my own, well magic happens and I get to do that thing that I love and take it to a higher level.

Nadine is my designer. I'm told that she is the best and with her amazing talent, she is helping me get to a higher level. I can't wait for tomorrow. It will be the start of a New Brand Day.

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