Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When a "Chore" Isn't a Chore

I like this image. It's simply titled, "Chores." I think "Chores" offers insight into Tierney Garcia, a student of mine. Tierney could have photographed anything as part of her daily routine, but she chose a topic that most of us dislike — and she chose not to make a chore of the assignment. When most people would have done just anything, Tierney created art.

If you like this picture, leave Tierney a comment and I'll make sure she gets it.


Realy going to give up soon! NOT! said...

Tierney - Beautiful artwork, you're very talented. NOW GET TO WORK!!! MOM!

Anonymous said...

I like how this, and the previous student's photos both show that all it takes is a little twist to make a photo really standout. Both of these look really good.